Operating room equipment
The operating table and operating light are one of the most important pieces of equipment in the operating room.
Choosing a good operating table and operating light can increase the comfort of the doctor while working.
Operating table (5)
Gynecological operating table
The gynecological operating table is mainly used as a gynecological operating room or examination room.
Gynecological operating table (2)
LED operating light
Ceiling-mounted shadowless light LED700+ camera system, with 80 LED bulbs and adjustable focus.
LED300 shadowless lamp,using new LED cold light source, the life span can reach more than 60,000 hours.
SHD-LED700/500 surgical shadowless lamp (center camera system), 80+48 bulbs.
LED500 surgical shadowless lamp (mobile), focused model with 48 LED bulbs.
Operating room instrument classification
The operating tables we export come in many styles:
According to the usage scenario, it is divided into surgical operating table, gynecological operating table, ophthalmic operating table, etc.;
According to functions, they are divided into one, two, three, four, five and multi-functional operating tables;
According to the method of use, it is divided into electric operating table and hydraulic operating table.

There are several types of shadowless lamps we export:
In terms of shape, they are divided into petal type and disc type;
In terms of fixed methods, they are divided into mobile, ceiling-mounted and wall-mounted.
The number of bulbs can be selected according to different usage scenarios.